Rachael, Sara, Megs & I The girls for Rachael's Wedding Rachael & I Uncle Nick & Stella Grandma CeCe & Ava dancin Me being silly, BIG BLONDE HAIR!!!! Mary & Jack Jack on our last walk together Jordan, Me, Megs & Em always have fun together!! Grandpa & Ava reading together The Helsper kids! Emily & I @ Rachael's Wedding The future! Baby Betlach!! Stella & Ava as BABIES!!!
On a light note! I thought I would share some of my FAVORITE pictures! I'm getting ready for this LONG weekend and 25th birthday. I hope you all have a great weekend, and enjoy time with family and friends!!
Now being the person I am and have always been I try to find the easy way out of more things. So when it came to me not feeling well yesterday I sat at my desk thinking to myself all day about every excuse I could come up with as to why I was NOT going to the gym that night. I DID however not feel well, but I also knew that working out helps with what was wrong with me. But a small part of me just didn't want to do it! I just wanted to go home, lay on the couch and watch "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" and call it a day!
But the more I sat here the more I knew I had to push myself and just go. So 4:30pm came and it was time to break out of here and I decided to just let my car take me where it thought I should go. All along I knew it was my mind that decided to turn my car right and not left to go home. I pushed myself to go to the gym, I knew it wasn't going to be a HUGE work out because I still wasn't feeling well but by the time I got there and got started it didn't even bother me anymore.
Finally 6:30pm rolled around, I lost track of time and didn't realize I had been there for almost 2 hours. So my advise to anyone who is deep down "self destructing", meaning not allowing yourself that feeling of self gratitude then get up and do something about it! YOU hold your own destiny in your hands; no one else does.
Don't let anyone bring you down, strive to do your best, and move forward in life never back.
I'm not gonna lie a tiny little part of me loved the complements from friends and family, it makes you want to keep going and show them just what your made of!
17 years ago today, I lost my only living Grandfather; the man I shared my birthday with and the man who taught me the importance of family and love. My Grandpa Jim left a huge whole in my heart. Yes I was pretty young when he passed but I remember everything about him, and sadly enough I also remember everything about the day of his funeral. My Grandpa passed 5 days before our birthday on July 3rd. I think of him every day, and even more on our birthday. Every year before I blow out my candles I wish that my Grandpa is proud of me and I wish him a Happy Birthday.
Maybe it's because I share the same birthday with him, or that my middle name is Jamie the male version of James, but I have always fault very close to him. I remember the little things about my Grandpa that made me smile, like when we were kids we spent a lot of time at Grandma and Grandpa's and Grandpa made sure we played outside a lot! So he would sit out there with us while we rode our bikes up and down the street, played Red light Green light or Captain May I with him.
When I think about him now I think about how much he would have LOVED Ava and Stella (my nieces) and how proud he would be of my sister Michelle. I know he watch's over us, and I know for a fact he is with us especially at Grandma's house when we are all together.
My Uncle Johnny is the spiting image of my Grandpa Jim and acts just like him so every time he is in town I enjoy spending time with him and hearing stories about my Grandpa. Also, my Dad is slowly looking like Grandpa and my brother looks just like my Dad. So as life moves on and we all grow up we all have a small part of Grandpa growing up with us.
So as I turn 25 on Saturday I will yet again blow out my candles for my Grandpa and remember him with some tears and a lot of smiles :)
You learn the hard way in life that tomorrow is not a guarantee, that you need to live for today, and not take anything or anyone for granted. Unfortunately, my best friend learned that today. On the weekend of her cousin's wedding, a time that should be filled with Joy, Smiles, and Happy Tears my Dear friend Emily lost her Grandma.
I've had to deal with the sadness of losing a lot of people in my life, so I know just what she is going through right now. No matter how many times you told them you loved them it seems like it was never enough, you live with regrets that you didn't see them enough, you didn't visit them as often, because life got so crazy. You have to live with the fact that you didn't get that chance to say goodbye before they passed, or that they won't be there for that milestone in your life.
I have to live with the fact that I never visited my Aunt in the hospital until the day she went into a coma, and even then I was so torn up in side the words I wanted to get out just couldn't come out. All I could do was cry, cry about all the stupid, immature decisions I made about not going to see her and the fact that this was going to be the last time I had a chance to talk to her.
For 1 week we all the chance to talk to her, and tell her everything we ever wanted to say. We got to hold her hand, watch TV with her and tell stories up until the night she left us.
It doesn't matter how much time goes by, I still regret the choices I made in that situation and it still kills me inside.
I had my time alone with her to tell her everything, and even though she was not with me physically anymore, I know she heard me.
So I feel for Emily on this sad day, and understand what she is going through. I pray for peace for her and her family as they go into this rough weekend. I hope that they can find some smiles and happy stories to get them through it.
God has a plan for each and every one of us. We may not like it, but it's not our choice.
So everyone do me a favor, tell everyone you love just how much you love them, give them a hug and a kiss, go see your grandma or grandpa you haven't seen in a while, call your aunt or uncle, cousin or even friend and share with them how much they mean to you. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Please keep Emily and her family in your prayers.
Until next time, Health & Happiness XO XO LOVE YOU! Maggie
A small goal of mine was to fit into a belt I bought. A few months back I bought a belt that I found on sale, yet I knew it was 1 size to small I just told myself that one day I would fit into it. Now please don't run out and buy something 2-3 sizes to small and convince yourself that you will one day fit into it. Because be prepared that it may not work out that way. However, since I decided not to weigh myself and go by the way my clothes fit I chose this belt to be my first goal.
To my surprise, I went to put this belt on for work this morning surprise surprise IT FIT! After only 2 weeks or Healthy Trim, working out, and healthy eating it fit!
Here's my thought for the day, once you've started feeling good find that pair of pants, shirt or even belt in the back of your closet that you haven't seen for a LONG time and try it on. You may be surprised at the results you get. :)
Now on a sad note, I was so exhausted, sweaty and all I wanted to do was get in the shower and I forgot that my IPOD was in my pocket and throw it in the washing machine! So I'm now IPODless! :(
Hopefully I can find one on Craigslist for cheap! Back to work I go, off to the gym after!
Father's Day weekend was very nice because we got to spend it at the lake with Dad. Mom, Dad, Nick and I helped Dad get stuff done around the lake, and at night we spent time together having dinner and going for boat rides. Saturday night I got Dad a special dessert for Father's Day, and I gave him his gift. I made my Dad a DVD Slide show, and two framed pictures. The slide show as a hit! We all had a few tears of joy an some of sadness. Grandma Helsper and Jack the Dog were in the video and each and every time we see pictures of Grandpa or Jack we all get a little upset. Jack is a recent lose so of course we are all still a little sensitive to that, but Grandpa Helsper is still a sore spot for all of us. Even after leaving us 17 years ago (my gosh it feels like just yesterday) we all get choked up by the sight of his pictures or home videos. It just shows how much of an impact he left on all of our lives. I see my aunt crying because she misses her Dad, and I see my Dad crying because he also misses his Dad. I think to myself that one day when I am older and I think back at the impact my Dad is leaving on my life I know I will have the same reaction. My grandfather and I share the same birthday, and I always thought I was a little bit closer to him because of that. Yes I was pretty young when he passed, but I remember every little thing about him. Like the time he tricked me into going to grab him a bag of Halloween candy and when I walked in the living room there stood this 6'0 tall Gorilla that scared the living day lights out of me, but just hearing him and Dick laughing in the kitchen made up for it all. Or how he would ask us to spell things for him and then he would pull out his tiny little dictionary and double check our work, or how he would sing these silly songs on Easter, and some song about having freckles on our butt. LOL
So on this Father's Day I didn't only think of my father but also of my Grandfathers. Now even though I was never lucky enough to meet my Mom's Dad, I think about him all the time. I go visit his grave site and talk to him a lot. I want him to be proud of my Mom at everything she has done for our family, to see how well she did raising three children, and how well she did for herself. I've only seen a few pictures of my Grandpa Munn but I sure as heck know I look like him!
So now after a nice relaxing weekend it's back to the daily grind, my typical Monday - Friday, healthy trim, the gym, healthy eating, and self improvement. I hope that everyone enjoyed there weekend! And stay cool this week, because it's going to get HOT!
Until next time, Health & Happiness Maggie
Oh and PS. My brother just saw me for the first time in two weeks, and he could already tell I was losing weight and my energy is up. :) it was the first thing he said to me! Oh how I LOVE HIM!
On top of exercising and taking Healthy Trim it’s all about what you eat. Last night I made a HUGE thing of veggie’s, brown rice and chicken. Things have gotten harder trying to find something to eat when I’m not home. I make sure to pack a healthy lunch and a couple healthy snacks to get me through the day. But by the time 4pm rolls around I’m hungry and need some energy to get me through my work out. I’ve started trying portent bars and energy bars, and so far my favorite is PowerBars! Cliff bars are ok, some are them leave a gross after taste. But by the time I drink all my water, eat my Powerbar, and work out I’m starving on my way home! So last night when I got home around 8:30pm I knew it was way to late to be eating anything heavy, and I needed to get started on making my brown rice and chicken I threw together some eggs and fruit. It was a great choice! Not heavy, just enough to make my hungry feeling go away.
I hope that my own experiences can teach people some new tips. Obviously my old habits will teach you what NOT to do and what NOT to eat. This is anything you can by in a drive thru or that cost less then $1.00. My blog is a way to keep me held accountable and to possibly inspire someone else to improve they’re lives. I truly appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my blog, I know that they can get long and happen almost every day but in a way this is my therapy ha ha and it’s free!
My friend Laura just got a membership at Planet Fitness! I’m super excited to work out with her! My Mom also wants to join PF and I hope she does! It’s so nice to see something so good for all of us, bring us all together. Everyone do me a favor, do something for yourself today; no one else just you. It will make a difference!
Can’t believe tomorrow is already Friday, I can’t wait to get to the lake. I just hope the rain stays FAR FAR AWAY!
So last night was my first official work out at Planet Fitness in Brooklyn Park.
I can’t tell you in words just how much I love this place! Not just because they’re motto is “No Egos”, but because the place was full of REAL PEOPLE!
Everyone was there for one reason and one reason only, to improve there health. The other motto is “No Judgment” which I think it very important. Not to name any names but some of the OTHER gyms in our area are full of women who get dressed up, wear make up, and curl there hair just to go to the gym and stare at themselves in the mirrors, and not mention the men who come in there muscle shirts and stand around the weight room looking in the mirror flexing their muscles.
I don’t know about you, but that kind of gym just intimidated me. But last night as I was running (aka training to run) I looked around at the diversity of the people there, and realized that no one, not one person there was staring at me or judging me for not being a great runner. While I was lifting a women even came up to me and asked for some advice; because according her “I sure as heck look like I know what I am doing”. Ha ha well that’s the perks of having my brother Nick around. Nick has ALWAYS been my 6’3 BIG brother who inspires me to really go for what I want. My brother decided at the age of 20 (I’m pretty sure or 21) that he would not live his life this way anymore. My brother weighted in at the time around 340 if I can remember right. And the only reason I will mention that is because he is now a SLIM 190-210 and he did it ALL BY HIMSELF! No surgery, no pills, just old fashioned HARD WORK! I’m not sure if he knows but I truly admire and look up to him. Maybe it’s because he inspires me to be a better, healthier person, but I also think it’s because he has never once judged me for being who I am, he has only encouraged me to be a better person. Him and I used to work out together, and it may sound weird to some people but whenever my big brother would tell me how good I am starting to look it really boosted my self esteem to have someone who has gone through what I am going through tell me something like that it really hits me. One of my goals right now is for my brother to notice every time I’m around him that I’m changing; I don’t get to see him all to often so I hope that when I do I will get that same reaction I was getting from him a few years ago. I’m not going to lie and tell you that this new lifestyle change of mine (not a DIET people, a lifestyle change) is easy; it’s pretty hard to be honest. Your body has to learn how to eat again, and your mind has to learn how to think again. You have to teach your body what it is like to be truly “hungry”. I can say that up until a week ago I honestly forgot what it’s like to be hungry. My life was filled with empty calories and drive-thrus. I have learned that if you can order it from your car you SHOULD NOT EAT IT! (Unless it’s subway drive thru) AND if you order it from your car and it cost $1.00 or less you SHOULD NOT EAT IT!
My biggest challenge this weekend with be going to the cabin and eating healthy. My mom always does a great job cooking healthy food for all of us but there’s always pop, ice cream, and candy everywhere. So my goal for the weekend is to make sure I at least go for a walk/run while I’m there, and stay far far away from anything besides water and Mom’s cooking! Now I am not a huge fan of wasting food, and I do have to admit because of bad shopping habits I do have some chips and cookies in the kitchen that I need to get rid of. Now had it been 2 months ago, I would have convinced myself that it’s bad to waste it, and since I paid for it I’d better eat it and start my “diet” tomorrow.
Oh man am I wrong! And thank God I figured that out now. Those chips and cookies are still sitting in the kitchen, and I have NO desire to eat them. The cookies are most likely old by now, but the chips aren’t. So instead of wasting them and throwing them away, I’ll just bring them to my Dad and he can keep them at the lake for a treat when no ones there to cook for me. Ha ha. Love you Dad!
Now I apologize if this gets long, I just feel like I have so much to say now that my life is an open book, nothing is hidden, and I’m just letting you all into my wonderful new life! Man who knows if anyone even reads this. J
In a sense this is a way for me to just let everything out; kind of like a public journal. I’ve been told in the past that I tend to keep my feelings bottled up inside and whenever anyone asks me how I’m feeling I just say “fine”. However, I know for a fact my feelings and emotions are written ALL OVER MY FACE, I still need to let it all out so that I don’t explode!
I’ve learned in the last few months that life is to short to sit around and be unhappy. God put me on this earth to do something spectacular with my life, now I don’t know what that is right at this moment but I finally feel like I’m on the path to figure that out.
Now on a light note, today I celebrated my two year anniversary with United Healthcare. As much as my current job isn’t the greatest I am so grateful to have my foot in the door at such a huge company that has so much more to offer me, and if not it sure as heck looks good on my resume. J
I’m going to leave everyone on that note, I hope you all enjoy this sun we are finally seeing! Get out and get moving people, you only have one life, so get out and live it!
My first weekend on Healthy Trim went off without a hitch! I made it through the whole weekend without cheating , minus 1 cocktail at Friendly City Days which wasn’t to bad for me seeing as I followed along with what my sister Michelle was drinking, because she always watches what she eats and drinks. No it wasn’t as good as a beer would have been but it was great! Like I said Saturday night we went to Albertville’s Friendly City Days for Jim’s birthday (AND all the great food at their house I had to stay away from!), I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous about the whole situation. But all and all it went off well! However Saturday Day I spent the day with my mom and my twin nieces Ava & Stella at Maple Maze in Maple Grove, it’s a pretty awesome place for the girls. They had a great time getting to play with other kids and socializing. After that we took them to lunch at Buca! They loved it! My mom and I shared a salad and I drank LOTS of water which I am supposed to be doing every day. Sunday was pretty low key, just ran some errands got lots done around my house and then laid low for the night. I’ve had to learn a lot about not letting things in my personal life affect my progress with my weight loss and happiness. Monday was a hard day to say the least. I pushed away someone who I truly care about because I was scared. I tried to find every thing wrong with him so I could push him away because I was too scared to deal with the outcome of anything. I was too scared to hear him tell me he didn’t want to be with me, so instead of waiting for it to happen I did it myself. I know now that it wasn’t worth it. I’ve now lost a great person in my life, someone I’ve known since I was born and I am the only one to blame for that. I now know it is something I need to work on, and hope that this hasn’t ruined our life long friendship, but I know that it will take time before we can repair anything as friends let alone as anything else. So as I keep going on and on about this person I think people should know, and maybe even him since I don’t think we’ve ever really talked about it, but I’ve known this person since before I can even remember. I knew since I was a little girl I had such a crush on him. And for years and years it was back and fourth flirting until I FINALLY got the nerve to hang out with him (without my brother) and that crash I had before was even bigger. I know how silly I sound right now, especially if those feelings aren’t what he felt towards me. But I hope that somewhere deep down at one point he did feel the same way.All I can do now is learn from my mistakes, work on myself, and move forward. I pray to God I did not ruin a great friendship but I have a feeling I won’t truly know for a very long time. “If you love someone let them go, if it’s meant to be they will come back”. So that’s what I am doing, letting go, moving forward and hoping for a Happy Ending some day soon. Now is time for me to work on me, so that one day I don’t do this again. On a lighter note I’m super excited to get my hair done tonight! My Mama is taking me to Jill (her hairstyles) for my early birthday present. I couldn’t be happier and more appreciative because believe me I would NEVER spend the kind of money on my hair that my mom and sister do. I’d rather buy clothes Ha ha so next time you’ll see me I’ll be blonde! Until next time,Health & HappinessMaggie
I'll be adding my blog tonight regarding my wonderful weekend! But as I sit here staring at this computer screen so many things came swirling through my head. Someone once told me always look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Well up until a few weeks ago I never truly understood what that meant because I hadn't even made it to the tunnel yet, let alone any closer to see this "light" at the end of it. The past few months of my life have been pretty dark, lonely, sad, upseting, and VERY challenging. My best friend tells me all the time that I am such a strong person for having to go through everything I did and yet still came out at the end. No it wasn't pretty and full of smiles. It was more like, depressing and full of tears but I made it! I know Emily meant well when telling me how strong I am but I also know that me being "strong" is a dark side of me I do not like. I will always be strong, independent, & self efficient, but through this new journey in life I will learn how to do that in a happier, nicer manner. So I've come to realize that you will not reach the light at the end of the tunnel until you finally approach that tunnel. So everyone do me a favor, when it gets dark in your life, go search, RUN for that light at the end of the tunnel.
My morning didn't start out as planned, I woke up at 4:15am to a huge thunderstorm and crazy lighting. Once I finally got out of bed at 5am I took my first Healthe Trim pill, drank my two bottles of water and got ready for work. Now normally I need AT LEAST two cups of coffee before even getting to work. But today that wasn't the case. Even after having to go to work earlier then normal, I was not tired driving to work; which I normally am. I was a lot more alert, I got a lot more energy and things seemed to get done a lot faster today. :) I made sure to drink my 8-10 glasses of water, and had a small snack and lunch. Even though it's only the first day I've tried Healthe Trim I felt fine, no side effects (which I haven't read of anyone having any) and nothing seemed to different then any other day. I'm so excited to see what tomorrow brings!
I've decided once I started writing this blog I would not allow any negativity to be written because that does not help any ones progress. The only thing I will say and I'll only say it once, my life has not been perfect and these past 6 months I've had to learn a lot of hard life lessons, but I would not take anything back if I could. God has a path for each and everyone of us to walk down. Now mine might have been rough and bumpy for a while there, but I know for a fact that God would never give me anything He didn't think I could handle. So in a strange way it's nice to know that God see's me as a STRONG, INDEPENDENT, WELL ROUNDED young women who has so much in life to give.
Some people say I'm overly emotional, I cry to much, and that how I feel is written all over my face, but in no way does that make me any less then anyone else. I may have my heart on my sleeve, but at least I have it out there for anyone to see, it's a BIG heart that has been there for everyone and anyone who has ever asked for a helping hand or even better then that, not even having to ask I just do it. So if anyone thinks that my flaw in life is that I care to much, I put other people first, that I am wrong for wanting to be close to my friends and family, and always feeling that I need to protect everyone I love then I wish you would keep your feelings to yourself.
I am who I am, I'm never going to change for you, I'm only going to change for myself. But I won't change that I care, that I love, or that I protect, I'll just change how I express that, and to whom I express it too.
As I sit in my living room, candles lite around me, I think about all the amazing things I do have in my life. I am Thankful to have such amazing parents who would do anything for me, yet on the other hand would be the first to put me in place. And sometimes it's just what I need then to do! I am Thankful and Blessed to have SO many amazing friends who have taught me recently just what a true friend is. Thankful am I for the beautiful nieces I have been blessed with. Unless you have nieces or nephews you may not understand but it's an unconditional love that you can't even put into words. Those two little girls have given me so much joy in times that I thought my world was coming to an end. You could be having the WORST day of your life, but the second you see their face and they yell "MAGGIE!!" you know that, that little person couldn't be more happy to see you. Knowing that someone so small has so much joy and love, brings a smile to my face just thinking about it. And as I write this I'm listening to my favorite song, one that has gotten me through some tough times and made me realize that no matter what is going on in your life you need to keep on keeping on!
I hope that everyone enjoys there weekend regardless of the rain!
Until next time, Health & Happiness Maggie
Garth Brooks "The River" "And I will sail my vessel til the river runs dry like a bird upon the wild these waters are my sky I'll NEVER REACH MY DESTINATION if I never try So I will sail my vessel to the river runs dry.
There's bound to be rough waters, and I know I'll take some falls But with the good Lord as my captain I CAN MAKE IT THROUGH THEM ALL!!"
It’s been a LONG time coming but I’ve finally realized how important it is in life to put yourself first. I also had to realize that once I was ready to improve myself emotionally and physically it had to be when I was ready. Due to the past events in my life, the stress and heartache I’ve FINALLY realized that it’s my time! So my journey starts by blogging, I’m going to blog hopefully everyday about my process in weight loss and self improvement. I’m following along with a book my mom gave me, “Life’s Simple Guide To Happiness”, I joined Planet Fitness, and I even started on Healthy Trim (as of tomorrow 6/11/2010). Blogging I think will help keep me motivated to reach my goals, because I know that I am being held accountable. My journey will be a long and hard process but I know I can do. I can’t wait to keep you all posted on my success! Until next time, Health & Happiness