My first weekend on Healthy Trim went off without a hitch! I made it through the whole weekend without cheating , minus 1 cocktail at Friendly City Days which wasn’t to bad for me seeing as I followed along with what my sister Michelle was drinking, because she always watches what she eats and drinks. No it wasn’t as good as a beer would have been but it was great! Like I said Saturday night we went to Albertville’s Friendly City Days for Jim’s birthday (AND all the great food at their house I had to stay away from!), I’m not going to lie I was a little nervous about the whole situation. But all and all it went off well! However Saturday Day I spent the day with my mom and my twin nieces Ava & Stella at Maple Maze in Maple Grove, it’s a pretty awesome place for the girls. They had a great time getting to play with other kids and socializing. After that we took them to lunch at Buca! They loved it! My mom and I shared a salad and I drank LOTS of water which I am supposed to be doing every day. Sunday was pretty low key, just ran some errands got lots done around my house and then laid low for the night. I’ve had to learn a lot about not letting things in my personal life affect my progress with my weight loss and happiness. Monday was a hard day to say the least. I pushed away someone who I truly care about because I was scared. I tried to find every thing wrong with him so I could push him away because I was too scared to deal with the outcome of anything. I was too scared to hear him tell me he didn’t want to be with me, so instead of waiting for it to happen I did it myself. I know now that it wasn’t worth it. I’ve now lost a great person in my life, someone I’ve known since I was born and I am the only one to blame for that. I now know it is something I need to work on, and hope that this hasn’t ruined our life long friendship, but I know that it will take time before we can repair anything as friends let alone as anything else. So as I keep going on and on about this person I think people should know, and maybe even him since I don’t think we’ve ever really talked about it, but I’ve known this person since before I can even remember. I knew since I was a little girl I had such a crush on him. And for years and years it was back and fourth flirting until I FINALLY got the nerve to hang out with him (without my brother) and that crash I had before was even bigger. I know how silly I sound right now, especially if those feelings aren’t what he felt towards me. But I hope that somewhere deep down at one point he did feel the same way. All I can do now is learn from my mistakes, work on myself, and move forward. I pray to God I did not ruin a great friendship but I have a feeling I won’t truly know for a very long time. “If you love someone let them go, if it’s meant to be they will come back”. So that’s what I am doing, letting go, moving forward and hoping for a Happy Ending some day soon. Now is time for me to work on me, so that one day I don’t do this again. On a lighter note I’m super excited to get my hair done tonight! My Mama is taking me to Jill (her hairstyles) for my early birthday present. I couldn’t be happier and more appreciative because believe me I would NEVER spend the kind of money on my hair that my mom and sister do. I’d rather buy clothes Ha ha so next time you’ll see me I’ll be blonde! Until next time, Health & Happiness Maggie
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