Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day weekend was very nice because we got to spend it at the lake with Dad.
Mom, Dad, Nick and I helped Dad get stuff done around the lake, and at night we spent time together having dinner and going for boat rides. Saturday night I got Dad a special dessert for Father's Day, and I gave him his gift. I made my Dad a DVD Slide show, and two framed pictures. The slide show as a hit! We all had a few tears of joy an some of sadness. Grandma Helsper and Jack the Dog were in the video and each and every time we see pictures of Grandpa or Jack we all get a little upset. Jack is a recent lose so of course we are all still a little sensitive to that, but Grandpa Helsper is still a sore spot for all of us. Even after leaving us 17 years ago (my gosh it feels like just yesterday) we all get choked up by the sight of his pictures or home videos. It just shows how much of an impact he left on all of our lives. I see my aunt crying because she misses her Dad, and I see my Dad crying because he also misses his Dad. I think to myself that one day when I am older and I think back at the impact my Dad is leaving on my life I know I will have the same reaction. My grandfather and I share the same birthday, and I always thought I was a little bit closer to him because of that. Yes I was pretty young when he passed, but I remember every little thing about him. Like the time he tricked me into going to grab him a bag of Halloween candy and when I walked in the living room there stood this 6'0 tall Gorilla that scared the living day lights out of me, but just hearing him and Dick laughing in the kitchen made up for it all. Or how he would ask us to spell things for him and then he would pull out his tiny little dictionary and double check our work, or how he would sing these silly songs on Easter, and some song about having freckles on our butt. LOL

So on this Father's Day I didn't only think of my father but also of my Grandfathers.
Now even though I was never lucky enough to meet my Mom's Dad, I think about him all the time. I go visit his grave site and talk to him a lot. I want him to be proud of my Mom at everything she has done for our family, to see how well she did raising three children, and how well she did for herself. I've only seen a few pictures of my Grandpa Munn but I sure as heck know I look like him!

So now after a nice relaxing weekend it's back to the daily grind, my typical Monday - Friday, healthy trim, the gym, healthy eating, and self improvement.
I hope that everyone enjoyed there weekend!
And stay cool this week, because it's going to get HOT!

Until next time,
Health & Happiness

Oh and PS. My brother just saw me for the first time in two weeks, and he could already tell I was losing weight and my energy is up. :) it was the first thing he said to me!
Oh how I LOVE HIM!

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