Planet Fitness oh how I LOVE YOU!!!!
So last night was my first official work out at Planet Fitness in
I can’t tell you in words just how much I love this place! Not just because they’re motto is “No Egos”, but because the place was full of REAL PEOPLE!
Everyone was there for one reason and one reason only, to improve there health. The other motto is “No Judgment” which I think it very important. Not to name any names but some of the OTHER gyms in our area are full of women who get dressed up, wear make up, and curl there hair just to go to the gym and stare at themselves in the mirrors, and not mention the men who come in there muscle shirts and stand around the weight room looking in the mirror flexing their muscles.
I don’t know about you, but that kind of gym just intimidated me. But last night as I was running (aka training to run) I looked around at the diversity of the people there, and realized that no one, not one person there was staring at me or judging me for not being a great runner. While I was lifting a women even came up to me and asked for some advice; because according her “I sure as heck look like I know what I am doing”. Ha ha well that’s the perks of having my brother Nick around. Nick has ALWAYS been my 6’3 BIG brother who inspires me to really go for what I want. My brother decided at the age of 20 (I’m pretty sure or 21) that he would not live his life this way anymore. My brother weighted in at the time around 340 if I can remember right. And the only reason I will mention that is because he is now a SLIM 190-210 and he did it ALL BY HIMSELF! No surgery, no pills, just old fashioned HARD WORK! I’m not sure if he knows but I truly admire and look up to him. Maybe it’s because he inspires me to be a better, healthier person, but I also think it’s because he has never once judged me for being who I am, he has only encouraged me to be a better person. Him and I used to work out together, and it may sound weird to some people but whenever my big brother would tell me how good I am starting to look it really boosted my self esteem to have someone who has gone through what I am going through tell me something like that it really hits me. One of my goals right now is for my brother to notice every time I’m around him that I’m changing; I don’t get to see him all to often so I hope that when I do I will get that same reaction I was getting from him a few years ago. I’m not going to lie and tell you that this new lifestyle change of mine (not a DIET people, a lifestyle change) is easy; it’s pretty hard to be honest. Your body has to learn how to eat again, and your mind has to learn how to think again. You have to teach your body what it is like to be truly “hungry”. I can say that up until a week ago I honestly forgot what it’s like to be hungry. My life was filled with empty calories and drive-thrus. I have learned that if you can order it from your car you SHOULD NOT EAT IT! (Unless it’s subway drive thru) AND if you order it from your car and it cost $1.00 or less you SHOULD NOT EAT IT!
My biggest challenge this weekend with be going to the cabin and eating healthy. My mom always does a great job cooking healthy food for all of us but there’s always pop, ice cream, and candy everywhere. So my goal for the weekend is to make sure I at least go for a walk/run while I’m there, and stay far far away from anything besides water and Mom’s cooking! Now I am not a huge fan of wasting food, and I do have to admit because of bad shopping habits I do have some chips and cookies in the kitchen that I need to get rid of. Now had it been 2 months ago, I would have convinced myself that it’s bad to waste it, and since I paid for it I’d better eat it and start my “diet” tomorrow.
Oh man am I wrong! And thank God I figured that out now. Those chips and cookies are still sitting in the kitchen, and I have NO desire to eat them. The cookies are most likely old by now, but the chips aren’t. So instead of wasting them and throwing them away, I’ll just bring them to my Dad and he can keep them at the lake for a treat when no ones there to cook for me. Ha ha. Love you Dad!
Now I apologize if this gets long, I just feel like I have so much to say now that my life is an open book, nothing is hidden, and I’m just letting you all into my wonderful new life! Man who knows if anyone even reads this. J
In a sense this is a way for me to just let everything out; kind of like a public journal. I’ve been told in the past that I tend to keep my feelings bottled up inside and whenever anyone asks me how I’m feeling I just say “fine”. However, I know for a fact my feelings and emotions are written ALL OVER MY FACE, I still need to let it all out so that I don’t explode!
I’ve learned in the last few months that life is to short to sit around and be unhappy. God put me on this earth to do something spectacular with my life, now I don’t know what that is right at this moment but I finally feel like I’m on the path to figure that out.
Now on a light note, today I celebrated my two year anniversary with United Healthcare. As much as my current job isn’t the greatest I am so grateful to have my foot in the door at such a huge company that has so much more to offer me, and if not it sure as heck looks good on my resume. J
I’m going to leave everyone on that note, I hope you all enjoy this sun we are finally seeing! Get out and get moving people, you only have one life, so get out and live it!
Until next time,
Health & Happiness
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