On top of exercising and taking Healthy Trim it’s all about what you eat. Last night I made a HUGE thing of veggie’s, brown rice and chicken. Things have gotten harder trying to find something to eat when I’m not home. I make sure to pack a healthy lunch and a couple healthy snacks to get me through the day. But by the time 4pm rolls around I’m hungry and need some energy to get me through my work out. I’ve started trying portent bars and energy bars, and so far my favorite is PowerBars! Cliff bars are ok, some are them leave a gross after taste. But by the time I drink all my water, eat my Powerbar, and work out I’m starving on my way home! So last night when I got home around 8:30pm I knew it was way to late to be eating anything heavy, and I needed to get started on making my brown rice and chicken I threw together some eggs and fruit. It was a great choice! Not heavy, just enough to make my hungry feeling go away.
I hope that my own experiences can teach people some new tips. Obviously my old habits will teach you what NOT to do and what NOT to eat. This is anything you can by in a drive thru or that cost less then $1.00. My blog is a way to keep me held accountable and to possibly inspire someone else to improve they’re lives. I truly appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my blog, I know that they can get long and happen almost every day but in a way this is my therapy ha ha and it’s free!
My friend Laura just got a membership at Planet Fitness! I’m super excited to work out with her! My Mom also wants to join PF and I hope she does! It’s so nice to see something so good for all of us, bring us all together.
Everyone do me a favor, do something for yourself today; no one else just you.
It will make a difference!
Can’t believe tomorrow is already Friday, I can’t wait to get to the lake. I just hope the rain stays FAR FAR AWAY!
Until next time,
Health & Happiness
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